
Domina preposições em inglês? Prove com este exercício

Lígia Crispino, sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas, traz um exercício difícil sobre um dos temas mais temidos da gramática inglesa: as preposições

 (Thinkstock/TongRo Images/Thinkstock)

(Thinkstock/TongRo Images/Thinkstock)


Da Redação

Publicado em 21 de setembro de 2016 às 12h48.

* Escrito por Lígia Crispino, sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e da ProfCerto

Para usar as preposições em inglês de forma correta, é preciso praticá-las incansavelmente. Se você conseguir exercitar esse tema da gramática dentro de um contexto real, melhor ainda.

No exercício a seguir, baseado num texto sobre influência no mundo corporativo, você deve preencher os espaços em branco com as preposições corretas. O trecho foi extraído do site da Newberrry Coaching.

"Influence: you know you want more of it, but do you have a plan 1.______ building it? We have talked 2. _______ the different facets of influence, a key leadership skill. I asked you to pay attention 3. _____ how you’re doing in four areas: credibility; connection to the big picture; relationships and processes.

Today, I want you to take what you noticed about yourself and use it to complete this assessment tool. Your results will point you toward the actions you should take to build your influence.

Take a look 4. _____ the following statements related 5. _____ the different aspects of influence. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being “very true”), think about how true each statement is for you right now.

• I recognize my strengths and the value I bring.
• I consistently share examples of my strengths and how I add value with others 6. _____ a way that’s relevant 7. _______ them.

Connection to the Big Picture
• I consistently help others see the connection between the value I add and what’s best 8. ____ the organization.
• I speak 9. _____ terms ____ the organization’s goals and priorities, not just those of myself or of my department.

• I know who holds both the formal power (power connected 10. _____ a role) and informal power (power not connected 11. _____ a role).
• I cultivate relationships with both formal and informal leaders.

• I engage others and create buy-in in a way that is authentic to who I am as a leader.
• I recognize when to leverage others to deliver a message, even if I could deliver it.

So what did you discover in this self-assessment? Look 12. _____ the statements where you gave yourself the lowest numbers. Developing your skills in those areas should be the heart 13. _____ your plan to build influence. If you want to bring
14. ______ your numbers across the board, start by focusing 15. _____ your credibility. That’s the root 16. ____ influence."


1. for
2. about
3. to
4. at
5. to
6. in
7. for
8. for
9. in terms of
10. to
11. to
12. at
13. of
14. up
15. on
16. of

Lígia Velozo Crispino, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e da ProfCerto. Autora do livro de poemas "Fora da Linha", é colunista dos portais e Vagas Profissões.
Acompanhe tudo sobre:Inglês

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