A farmacêutica britânica AstraZeneca anunciou a aquisição da belga EsoBiotec por até US$ 1 bilhão. A empresa é pioneira em terapias celulares para doenças autoimunes, e pode um dia oferecer um tratamento contra o câncer que durará minutos ao invés de semanas.
Segundo a gigante farmacêutica em nota, 100% das ações da startup belga serão compradas, sem assumir dívidas ou compromissos financeiros anteriores da empresa. O pagamento será feito em duas partes: US$ 425 milhões assim que o negócio for fechado e até US$ 575 milhões adicionais, dependendo do sucesso da EsoBiotec.
A transação será concluída no segundo trimestre de 2025, sujeita a aprovações regulatórias. A EsoBiotec se tornará uma subsidiária integral da AstraZeneca, operando na Bélgica.
Qual o produto da EsoBiotec?
A EsoBiotec desenvolveu a plataforma ENaBL, que usa vetores lentivirais para modificar células imunes dentro do próprio paciente. Assim, não há necessidade de remoção e reinfusão de células, como ocorre nas terapias convencionais e costuma durar semanas. Isso reduz custos, tempo de tratamento e melhora a eficiência.
“Acreditamos que essa tecnologia tem o potencial de transformar a terapia celular e permitir que muitos mais pacientes no mundo tenham acesso a esses tratamentos inovadores”, disse Susan Galbraith, vice-presidente executiva de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Oncologia da AstraZeneca, em nota.
This undated image released by Firefly Aerospace Blue Ghost captures Earth reflecting off the solar panel with the Moon on the horizon. More than fifty years passed between the last Apollo mission and America's return to the lunar surface, when the first ever private lander touched down last February. Now, starting March 2, two more missions are set to follow within a single week -- marking a bold push by NASA and its industry partners to make Moon landings a routine part of space exploration. (Photo by Handout / Firefly Aerospace / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / Firefly Aerospace" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
(Firefly Blue Ghost deverá registrar imagens em alta definição de um eclipse total em 14 de março)
This still image taken from a February 24, 2025 video released by Firefly Aerospace shows Firefly's Blue Ghost lander on its third lunar orbit, showing the far side of the Moon and a top-down view of Blue Ghost. More than fifty years passed between the last Apollo mission and America's return to the lunar surface, when the first ever private lander touched down last February. Now, starting March 2, two more missions are set to follow within a single week -- marking a bold push by NASA and its industry partners to make Moon landings a routine part of space exploration. (Photo by Handout / Firefly Aerospace / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / Firefly Aerospace" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
(Firefly Blue Ghost pousa na Lua)
This undated image released by Firefly Aerospace shows Firefly's Blue Ghost lunar lander taking an Earth selfie. More than fifty years passed between the last Apollo mission and America's return to the lunar surface, when the first ever private lander touched down last February. Now, starting March 2, two more missions are set to follow within a single week -- marking a bold push by NASA and its industry partners to make Moon landings a routine part of space exploration. (Photo by Handout / Firefly Aerospace / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / Firefly Aerospace" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
(Imagens da Terra feitas pela Blue Ghost)
This handout photograph taken and released by Firefly Aerospace on March 2, 2025, shows the Moon's surface, Earth on the horizon, and Blue Ghost's top deck with its solar panel, X-band antenna (L), and LEXI payload (R) in the view. A US company successfully landed its spacecraft on the Moon on March 2, 2025, making it only the second private lander to achieve this milestone, a live webcast from mission control showed. Firefly Aerospace's Blue Ghost Mission 1 touched down at 3:34 am US Eastern Time (0834 GMT) near Mons Latreille, a volcanic formation in Mare Crisium on the Moon's northeastern near side. (Photo by Handout / Firefly Aerospace / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / HANDOUT / Firefly Aerospace" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
(Blue Ghost transporta 10 instrumentos científicos)
This image grab from a March 2, 2025 video and released by Firefly Aerospace shows Firefly's Blue Ghost lander during its lunar landing as part of the Ghost Mission 1. A US company successfully landed its spacecraft on the Moon on March 2, 2025, making it only the second private lander to achieve this milestone, a live webcast from mission control showed. Firefly Aerospace's Blue Ghost Mission 1 touched down at 3:34 am US Eastern Time (0834 GMT) near Mons Latreille, a volcanic formation in Mare Crisium on the Moon's northeastern near side. (Photo by Handout / Firefly Aerospace / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / HANDOUT / Firefly Aerospace" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
(Primeiras imagens do pouso vertical na Lua)